"Let's talk about change..."

Change is the big unknown

While it can be intimidating, without it we would never make progress.

Searson Buck has the experience to support your organisation through the disruption of change.  We help employees feel empowered and supported when they need it most. We also help you protect your brand and reputation as your people move on to their next opportunity – or to retirement.

We provide specialist consulting solutions to support people through organisational change such as redeployment, redundancy, retirement, role change and leadership change.

Career transition - all ages, all stages, all levels – responsive to the diversity of individuals.
Mature age transition – we offer powerful programs designed to engage your mature workforce and assist them in planning a positive and productive late career and retirement. Our programs are based around a holistic framework of identity, money, health, career, knowledge sharing, relationships and future goal setting.

Searson Buck has formed a new strategic partnership with Trevor Roberts in Tasmania. 

We partner with you in transition solutions for your people - providing peace of mind, transforming lives, sustaining organisations.