Migrant Job Networking Event

Organiser: Australian Sovereign College & NRNA Non- Resident Nepali Association

Searson Buck’s CEO, Nick Prokopiec and Partnership Manager, Wil Wodrow recently joined the Migrant Job Networking event in Hobart on Friday. The event was a not-for-profit session for supporting skilled migrants to land a job and have a better settlement in Tasmania.

Over 65 people attended from various industries, including engineering, finance and accounting, nursing, community service, hospitality, retail, and education.

They shared in some of the biggest barriers they face in their employment, one of which is lacking local working experience. With 72% participants moved and settled in Tasmania in recent 3 years, some still faced this issue.

There were various speakers that each spoke of how to put their best foot forward in gaining  employment with some great takeaways. Aleena Ghimire from Southern Cross Care, shared her passion for helping her community (the Nepalese community) and shared her inspirational journey of starting as a casual cleaner to now being Deputy Director of  Nursing  with Southern Cross Care. Opportunity will come if you apply yourself even if it is a job you did not study for initially.

Nick and Wil from Searson Buck, shared tips on the interview. Be mindful that you are always being interviewed and to do your research when approaching opportunity’s.Tailor your approach and application to the job or industry you are looking to get into. Employers are looking for soft skills and are motivated to grow.

Jane Moore from Choice Support Tasmania spoke of ensuring that you cover letter and resume is tailored to the role you are applying for. Their business employs support workers that are supporting their participants in achieving their goals and living their best life. Opportunities found here: https://www.choicesupporttasmania.com.au/work-with-us

Peter Handy from the Tasmanian Hospitality Association, talked about the opportunities in the hospitality sector and in particular, more jobs coming with the borders opening soon. When approaching businesses ensure to drop off  their resume to the business owner or manager during a suitable time of the day, not during the peak periods – ie from 10:00am to 11:30 or between 2:00 and 5:00. Resume should be tailored to Hospitality and kept to two (2) pages (front and back max).

Encouraged to register with the Shift Sharer service which is supported by the State Government an delivered by Searson Buck. The service matchs Hospitality businesses with workers with available shifts.

Daniel McKenzie is a veteran of the Hospitality industry and talked about his experience and love of the industry and why you should look to join. It has provided him with great flexibility and balance for his growing family. People should look at the opportunities available to help grow their people skills and build a career in the industry.

A great turn out to the event from a very motivated group and organised event. Thank you to Nika Goa and Chandra Haiju for hosting.

As business community members, the group including Searson Buck were thrilled to assist this emerging workforce and with some good coaching, support and guidance which will increase the capacity for the state to thrive in a number of industries.

A copy of the Searson Buck presentation is available here:

CANDIDATE -Interview Tips 2021 by Wil Wodrow


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