RCSA Victoria/Tasmanian Council elections


The Recruitment, Consulting and Staffing Association (RCSA), who is the peak body for the recruitment and staffing industry Australia & New Zealand, held council elections recently, and were delighted by the record number of nominations received.

There was a large number of nominations and increased competition this year, some nominees chose to hold social media campaigns to help boost support.

After a long tenure, Searson Buck’s Nick Prokopiec, General Manager Strategic Growth will end his term as long standing councillor but will continue to contribute to the RCSA in other ways. We are pleased however to announce, Wil Wodrow Partnership Manager has been elected as a councillor who will represent Tasmania on the RCSA Vic/Tas council.

Mr  Wodrow commented “I am looking forward to representing Tasmanian members and to make sure that as an industry we can contribute to the recovery from the Covid-19 impact.”

His term will commence November 19 – the date of the RCSA’s annual general meeting.

RCSA’s purpose is to Lead in the World of Work and we firmly believe that through leadership, and empowerment of our members, we will improve lives, communities and the economy.  

RCSA drives professional practice, promotes & protects the industry, enables better business for members and provides opportunities for networking and the celebration of success.

RCSA sets the benchmark for professionalism through standard setting, education, research and business advisory support to our member firms and accredited professionals. All of their members are bound by the RCSA Code for Professional Conduct which is underpinned by a comprehensive disciplinary and dispute resolution procedure.

If you want to know more about the RCSA, you can contact Wil Wodrow at email: wwodrow@searsonbuck.com.au or 0488 123 423.



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